Dance in Cancer Care

Dance in Cancer Care is a term coined by Emily Jenkins and represents a movement - aiming to further highlight the benefits of dance for people who are living with or beyond cancer, and for people supporting someone with cancer or grieving a loved one. Led by Move Dance Feel, this movement catalyses more initiatives in this arena through training opportunities, research collation and advocacy efforts.

Dance in Cancer Care is therefore an umbrella term, encompassing the variety of dance and cancer initiatives and research projects happening across the world either in direct connection to Move Dance Feel’s work or led by others with whom we are closely associated.

It is wonderful being part of such a diverse, passionate and global group.
— Member of the Dance in Cancer Care Network

The Dance in Cancer Care Network is coordinated by Move Dance Feel and has been created to unite those who are training in, working with or exploring dance as a form of cancer support. It is made up of people working in both the dance and the health sectors, and promotes exchange of knowledge, practice, and resources.

The Network also fosters a community of care and aims to connect those who might be working in isolation. Importantly, it exists in the belief that the stronger the relationships are between us - as individuals or organisations - the stronger (and more effective) this movement and our collective changemaking endeavours.

The opportunity to network has been almost as valuable as the content delivered.
— Member of the Dance in Cancer Care Network


As training providers we are aware of multiple dance and cancer initiatives across the UK, as well as further afield, set up by alumni of our training programmes. Below is a directory of provision:

Dance Centred - Move Together
Led by Sam Lawrence in Newquay, UK

Movement Through Cancer
Led by Carrie Madgwick and Sammy Gillingham with Westlands Yeovil in Somerset, UK
Click here to view a film about Movement Through Cancer

Dance at Friends of ANCHOR (Aberdeen and North Centre for Haematology, Oncology and Radiotherapy)
Led by Laura Booth in Aberdeen, UK

Dancemind - Dance for people affected by cancer
Led by Tina Heeley and Made with Many in Northamptonshire, UK

Frontline Dance - Moving Together
Led by Rachael Lines in Stoke on Trent, UK

Laat Me Weer Dansen with F-Fort Foundation and Scapino Ballet Rotterdam (performance project)
Led by Annemarie Labinjo and Bryndis Brynjolfsdottir in Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Move to Nurture by Dance for Life Devon CIC
Led by Maryam Pourian and Linda Hartley from Hartley House in Devon, UK

Movement at Genesis Care Outpatient Centre
Led by Debbie Brookes in Milton Keynes, UK

Dance and Movement at Wessex Cancer Support
Led by Natasha Tobin in Dorset, UK

Dance for Women affected by cancer
Led by Janina Murta in Darwin, Australia

International projects and other connections

In addition to initiatives led by our training alumni, we have connections with the following programmes and projects:

I dance the way I feel with Amici del Quinto Piano
Led by Michela Negro and Simone Baldo in Vincenza, Italy

Dance at Ligue Vaudoise Contre le Cancer
Led by David Rodriguez in Lausanne, Switzerland

Dance You Strong / Dansa dig Stark at Kraftens Hus
Led by Åsa Åström and Joakim Stephenson from Danshälsa Balettakademien in Stockholm, Sweden

Dance Therapy at Institut Rafaël
Led by Scheherazade Boyer in Paris, France

The Crown on My Wall and Grenzland (concluded performance projects)
Led by Monica Gillette and Gary Joplin in Freiburg, Germany

Moving for Life - Dance Exercise for people affected by cancer
Led by Dr Martha Eddy in New York, USA

JOY (Journey of Yourself)
Led by Debbie Allen Dance Academy in Los Angeles, USA

Day of Dance at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Led by Julia Langely Arts and Humanities Programme Director in Washington DC, USA

Ballet after Breast Cancer
Led by Rachel Ward in Sydney, Australia

Royal Academy of Dance - Ballet for the Cancer Community
Led by Poppy Barnes through a partnership with Fireflies Fitness founded by Natalie Hall in London, UK

Future Dreams House (breast cancer support) - Fireflies Ballet
Led by Poppy Barnes in London, UK