Dance in cancer care: Introductory training
Bringing together people working across the dance and the health sectors to gain understanding and insights about how dance can;
Innovate cancer care services
Support the wide ranging physical, mental, emotional and social health challenges associated with cancer diagnosis and treatment
Create vital communities of care that lead to individual and collective wellbeing
Throughout the year we aim to offer this training programme twice, via in person training and via an online programme. Please see below for more information about how to sign up.
Watch to find out more about the Dance in Cancer Care Introductory Training programme
Who is it for?
This training opportunity is for people working in both the dance and the health sectors. This may include, but is not limited to;
Dance artists, staff working in cancer support or rehabilitation services, oncologists, clinical nurse specialists, people working in integrative medicine, physiotherapists, dance performers interested in participatory practice, movement enthusiasts and exercise specialists, people working or interested in arts and health, researchers, general practitioners, people working in mental health services/counselling, trustees of cancer charities, people working in dance development, education or science.
We look for a broad range of experience to fuel interdisciplinary exchange throughout the training and beyond.
“I loved every moment of this - expertly facilitated - reinforcing why I believe in the power of dance and want to continue being a part of it.”
Dates and location
The training is both practical and discursive, delivered across 2.5 days
When: Our last training offer was February 2025. New dates TBC - likely early 2026.
Where: Penny Brohn UK, Bristol, BS20 0HH
“A wonderful experience, like a retreat! Although there’s lots of learning I wasn’t expecting the weekend to be so relaxing, connecting and nourishing.”
We offer a digital iteration of the Introductory Training programme, for those (overseas) who are unable to attend in person. The training is both practical and discursive, delivered in bitesize sessions across 7 days.
When: February and March; 3, 7, 17 February, 7, 14, 17 and 21 March
Where: Online via Zoom. Exact timings will be determined in conversation with the group - to identify the most suitable times for all (subject to timezones). Sessions will be recorded if unable to attend in ‘real time’.
“The training exceeded my expectations. I have taken other online courses but this was perfectly organised. The facilitator was really interested in meeting our demands, in creating a safe and warm space for all, in encouraging connections between us and ready to help in whatever we needed.”
Cost and Booking
Cost: For individuals the cost is £495
For organisations* the cost is £595
The cost includes the price of the training programme which is CPD* certified (20+ learning hours), 6 delicious meals plus all snacks, and 2 nights accommodation in a private room with en suite.
Cost: For individuals the cost is £425
For organisations* the cost is £525
The cost includes the price of the training programme which is CPD* certified (20+ learning hours), and unlike the in person training includes a guest speaker specialised in cancer care, as well as a live Q&A session with Move Dance Feel participants.
The sign up process is now closed, as the programme is in progress.
*organisations include registered companies, charities and institutes of higher education, with 4 or more staff members. The cost detailed is per person.
*continuing professional development.
We have two subsidised places (30% discount) available per training opportunity, for those who may be experiencing financial hardship. If you would like to be considered for one of these places please detail this when you sign up. Payment plans are also available.
“I learnt enormous amounts, met some fantastic people and feel very inspired to keep connections and conversations going.”
The training is CPD certified (20 learning credits).
What will I get out of this training?
After this 2.5 day training attendees will;
Be aware of the debilitating side effects of cancer diagnosis and treatment, and the complexity of long term health difficulties
Have experienced the Move Dance Feel methodology in practice (approx 4 hours)
Have gained insights as to how dance meets cancer prehabilitation and rehabilitation criteria, and compliments whole person care approaches
Be able to reflect on their learning in relation to their own working environment
Be invited to become part of a growing Dance in Cancer Care network, coordinated by Move Dance Feel, involving peer support, quarterly gatherings and sounding boards
Have access to the database of research surrounding dance and cancer
“Inspiring! I’m leaving feeling nourished and motivated to do the work.”